Energy Readings
Metaphysical Energy Reading

Do you want to increase your happiness, your health, your wealth, your vitality, clarify your life purpose, and improve your relationships, and overall well being.
Clearing your energy blocks and healing and balancing your energy will help you feel better about yourself, your life and you circumstances and empower you to change the limiting beliefs hindering the incredible possibilities life has to offer.
Your energy centers hold a substantial amount of information, including YOUR PERCEPTIONS of your every:
- Thought
- Memory
- Life Experience
- Action and Reaction
- Trauma
- Attitude
- Behavior
- Belief
- Emotion and Feeling
- Mental Picture, Dream, etc.
You retain your perceptions in your energy centers where they are available to you when you experience similar life circumstances. You perceptions are simply the results of how you determined past experiences and how they have affected you in your life.
When you carry over these preconceived ideas or perceptions into your present experiences you limit your possibilities and unknowingly hold yourself back. Please remember my friend, YOUR PAST DOES NOT HAVE TO EQUAL YOUR FUTURE!
When You Change Your Perception
You Transform Your Life & Begin
Attracting What You Want
Holding on to old perceptions and outdated belief systems, closes you off to the amazing opportunities and possibilities that are available to you because you assume similar experiences will yield similar results.
That is simply NOT true.
Just because you were unsuccessful yesterday, last week or 10 years ago, doesn’t mean a thing. All that matters is what you do right here, right now, in the present moment. So, cancel, clear, delete everything that happened to you before you arrived at this very moment and everything that will happen to you after.
Okay now … Didn’t that give you greater sense of control, peace and serenity?
Take a moment to take deep breath and savor the feeling.
Blocked and unbalanced energy centers cause you to have a very narrow focus of your present experience and WHAT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU in your lifetime. Stop focusing on who you were, instead of who you are becoming. It is like driving your car while staring in the rear view mirror.
Once you clear away energy blockages and heal and balance your energy centers you can move forward and experience your life without limitation.
Are You Living the Life You Want to Live?
Your Energy Reading helps you IDENTIFY what is holding you back and LEG GO of past perceptions of your experiences.
The more in balance you are energetically the better you feel. You feel happier, more peaceful, more centered, and healthier (mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially).
You experience higher vibrational energies (love, joy, peace, abundance, wellness) in your life. When your energy is clear and balanced, you feel healthy, vibrant, calm and connected. You enjoy a heightened sense of well-being no matter what is going on around you.
Healing, balancing and clearing your energy centers helps you gain new perspectives on old hurts and life challenges, give you the opportunity to replace old beliefs and experiences with new ones, and attracts new possibilities into your life.
Nothing Happens in Your Life That Isn’t FIRST Generated ENERGETICALLY
We are all energetic beings. Everything in our universe radiates energy, from the largest ocean, to the tiniest of cells, to you my friend. It is proven through Quantum Physics. We’ve all experienced an immediate attraction or aversion to a specific person or place at least once in our lives.
That is because you were feeling or sensing ENERGY.
When there is an imbalance in one or more of your energy centers, eventually it manifests physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually in your life in some way shape or form.
How do you know when you are energetically out of balance? When you experience: Anger, Frustration, Self Doubt, Self Sabotage, Procrastination, Low Self Esteem, Lack of Confidence, Lack of Focus, the Inability to Say No or Set Boundaries, Overwhelm, Fear & Worry, Grief, Sadness, Feeling Inadequacy, Resentfulness, Powerless, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Health Issues, Money Issues, a Victim Mentality, Lack of True Self Expression, Worrying about What Others Think … WHENEVER YOU DON’T FEEL GOOD in YOUR LIFE. These are all indicators that you are energetically out of alignment or out of balance.
When you are energetically aligned and balanced, your natural state of existence is one of peace, harmony, joy, abundance and love. When you achieve that your possibilities are no longer limited. You are FREE to stand in your personal creative power and be who you were meant to be.
Healing, Clearing & Balancing Your Energy Centers
Helps You Move From Where You Are to
Where You Want to Be
Shifting your energy, creates a shift or a change in your external physical circumstances as well. The better you feel mentally, emotionally and spiritually, the better your outer reality will be. Life will seem much easier for you.
You have unlimited creative power, but your belief system, based on your past perceptions, is sabotaging your ability to access it. When you heal, balance and unblock the energy around your current life situation, you can more easily release the stresses that are associated with that situation and return to your natural state of balance and health.
Clear your ENERGY so you can access you unlimited potential!
Heal & Balance Your Energy So You Can Restore Your Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health, Success & Freedom
- Heal the Effects of Your Outdated Perceptions & Beliefs
- Replace them with New Empowering Beliefs
- Free Yourself From Past Experiences
- Release Blocked Energy
- Feel Lighter & Think in Terms of Possibilities Rather Than Limitations
- Feel Less Restricted & More Expansive in Your Life
- Live Fearlessly with Authenticity
Your energy reading helps you identify and release energy blocks in all areas of your life so you can feel better about your career, your business, your finances, your abundance, your relationships, your love life and your ability to give and receive love, health issues and your well-being, your life purpose, your psychic and intuitive experiences and abilities, your home and family, your spirituality, your sexuality and your day to day life in general.
Feel more confident, attractive, abundant worthy, loved, healthy and vibrant. Improve your sense of well-being and self worth and feel an overall sense of satisfaction in your life.
Energy blocks limit your happiness, your health, your wealth, your life purpose, your relationships, and your ability to love and attract love. Creating harmony on the inside, in turn, enables us to create harmony on the outside. (Have you ever heard the expression, “As Within, So Without?”)
Universal law states, Your Outside World is a Reflection of Your Inside World. Your energy reveals your current mental, emotional, physical or spiritual states. Healing, balancing and unblocking “stuck” energy can even prevent illness before it actually manifests and support self-healing.
Are You Ready to Take a Step Towards a NEW YOU?
- Rejuvenate your emotions
- Overcome road blocks
- Fulfill your potential
- Restore your happiness and state of well being
- Feel like you can breathe again
When your metaphysical energy centers are open and flowing freely, you feel infused with life. You feel empowered, loved and nurtured and have the energy to accomplish your goals and dreams. You feel centered, peaceful, healthy, and free so you can create a life you love!
Due to world wide demand please allow 5 to 7 business days for your Metaphysical Energy Reading to be delivered to you via Email.
What to do next?
- Click the green ORDER NOW and make your payment.
- When you are redirected to the Thank You page, fill out the short form as instructed.
- Set the intention to lovingly permit the energetic connection for your reading
- Watch your inbox for you reading. It takes about 5-7 business days. Your email reading will be coming from readings at, which you may want to add to your trusted senders list.
PRIVACY: All Readings and sessions are 100% confidential.
NOTE: You do not need a PayPal account. You may use your credit card without signing in to PayPal.
Price US$:
All Email Readings are non-refundable. There are no refunds on metaphysical digital services once they are ordered. Please think through your purchase carefully. Our clients are the best of the best, which makes this is a non-issue.
Helping clients like you, all over the globe, make significant and lasting improvements to their lives for over 25 years, including but not limited to: